Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Eric Dondero joins Texas for Sarah Palin staff as a regular contributor

Please welcome Eric Dondero to Texas for Sarah Palin as one of our Regular Contributors. Eric is a fellow Texan, and with his addition to our staff, the Texas Coast will be represented along with the Brazos River Valley, where your humble scribe resides. We plan to have other areas of Texas also represented in the future, but more about that later. Warner Todd Huston, whom we have made an Honorary Texan, represents an area somewhat north of the Lone Star State... ;-)

Eric is an experienced blogger and the Publisher/Editor of Libertarian Republican, a site which has been active since 2005. It is the blog credited with breaking the story of David Kernell, who hacked his way into Sarah Palin's email account in September of 2008, a criminal act which eventually resulted in Kernell's conviction on charges of intentionally accessing the account without authorization and obstruction of justice.

Eric knows the Sarah Palin story well. He was one of the co-founders of the legendary blog, "Draft Sarah Palin for VP." As a libertarian Republican, he brings another important perspective to Texas for Sarah Palin, and we're more than proud to have him on board with us. Though he has posted here before as a Special Contributor, Eric's first post as a Regular Contributor follows this one on the page.

- JP


  1. I am glad you finally got some help and after checking Eric's site it appears some great help.

  2. Welcome aboard Eric!

    Longtime fan of your site.

    We need more like you who blog the truth, not echo chamber lies and smears!
