Monday, May 24, 2010

Just Orb: Context is Everything

Here's a blogger with enough common sense and intellectual honesty to check up on things the MSNBC leftists say in their never-ending campaign to try to disparage Sarah Palin. The intrepid blogger caught Keith Olbermann twisting, twisting, twisting the truth away, as Onerous Olby distorted and misrepresented a quote from Sarah Palin's dad Chuck Heath:
“I don’t want to push the wrong button with Sarah,” he said. “Besides, she doesn’t make the decisions. Let me retract that. I’m sure she thinks them over and she has a lot of say as to yes and no.”
This was then blown up by Olbermann into Palin doesn’t make any of her own decisions on anything, a thought that had him cackling with glee. Me? Not so much, because the first question I had was “Decisions about what? What’s the context of this quote?” See, I’ve caught Olbermann misrepresenting things often enough in the past that I trust him no more than I would someone on Fox News. He’s a partisan hack.

So I went and found the original source of the quote and supplied myself with the context.
Sally Heath is among those who help care for Trig, 2, who has Down syndrome. She also helps go through the hundreds of letters Sarah Palin receives asking her to speak at or attend various events.

Chuck Heath said he was careful about nudging his daughter toward the things that interest him.

“I don’t want to push the wrong button with Sarah,” he said. “Besides, she doesn’t make the decisions. Let me retract that. I’m sure she thinks them over and she has a lot of say as to yes and no.”
So Mr. Heath was clearly talking about Gov. Palin's relationship with the Washington Speakers Bureau, to which she is under contract for all of her speaking engagements. Though the governor probably has a lot of say in which offers to speak she will accept and which ones she will decline, she doesn't have the only voice in those decisions. As her agents, WSB has its share in the decision-making:
So those are the decisions her father was talking about. Not political decisions. Not any other kinds of decisions. Decisions about what speaking engagements Ms. Palin takes and which she doesn’t. But Olbermann felt the need to take it totally away from its context and use the quote for his own – completely made up – rant...
Just another of the many examples of how the lying left operates. Props to the truth-seeking blogger, who, unlike the leftist keyboard klowns who take everything liars like Bathtub Boy and the perpetual prevaricators at Huffington Post say as gospel. Like the governor said, they just keep "making things up."

Read the full post here.

- JP

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