Thursday, May 27, 2010

Joe McGinness to ABC News: "Get off my property!"


ABC News discovers that stalker Joe McGinness is also a hypocrite:
McGinniss, who is being accused of invading the Palins' privacy, himself claimed that his was being invaded when ABC News knocked at his door to get a comment.

"Get off, you're trespassing," McGinniss said through his window. "I am going to have to call the Wasilla police. Get off my property, now, I am going to put in the call."
It's not your property, Joe. You're just renting.

This little stunt of yours was a lot of fun for you and your leftist fellow travelers when you thought you could intimidate Gov. Palin and her family wasn't it? But when the shoe went on the other foot, you sure lost your cool fast! That's the thing with "progressives." They love to dish it out, but they can't take it.

- JP

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