Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Some DeVore supporters losing patience

Even some of Chuck DeVore's staunchest supporters are getting impatient with their candidate's failure to climb out of the cellar in the California GOP primary for the chance to challenge Sen. Barbara Boxer in the general election.

CNN contributor Erick Erickson, who has been promoting DeVore on his website RedState.com, said on CNN's "John King USA" tonight that if DeVore doesn't manage to surge in the polls in the next two weeks, "I'll be with Carly Fiorina because Tom Campbell is that bad":

You can view a video of the segment here.

DeVore is currently running fourth in a three person race. According to the lastest Survey USA poll, Campbell gets 35 percent of the poll, followed by Fiorina at 24 percent. 23 percent are undecided, and Campbell only manages 15 percent.

Many of Fiorina's backers are calling for DeVore to drop out of the race and join Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum, the National Right To Life Committee and others by endorsing Fiorina. They fear that if DeVore remains in the race, he and Fiorina will split the right-of-center vote, allowing liberal Republican Campbell to easily win the primary.

- JP

1 comment:

  1. and Campbell only manages 15 percent.

    You mean "DeVore" here, don't you?
