Monday, March 29, 2010

More Quote of the Day Honorable Mentions, Part 40

"Sarah Palin, Reloaded" Edition...

Daniel Oliver:
As her father said, 'Sarah’s not retreating. She’s reloading.' Praise the Lord. And pass the ammunition. 'Reloading' would have been a good title for the book too. Sarah Palin is still young, still blessed with the gifts of determination and resolve and true American grit. She has time to reload. And her best days, like ours, may be yet to come."
Yael T. Abouhalkah:
"Democratic National Committee chairman Tim Kaine on Wednesday criticized Palin and others of inciting dangerous behavior... Big deal or not? I'd go with 'not.' As McCain pointed out Thursday, language using the word 'targeted' is often used by politicians when they want to win or take back seats. I'd liken it to the sportscasters who talk about the 'war' of football or basketball games, when they are nothing like a real war."
Jeff Hedgpeth:
"It is amazing that even when the far-Left wins it still wets itself in fear over imagined threats. Mr. [Lawrence] O’Donnell, beyond recommending decaf, I would suggest you make an occasional visit to the real world where people use analogies and don’t mean them literally. And Lawrence, I know guns scare beltway Liberals but the rest of us know how to use them and aren’t scared by them. By the way, if someone shoots a response to you, you don’t need to duck – or wet the bed."
Adrienne Ross:
"The real desire of the Left wing media: they just want to shut conservatives up, and who is the most powerful, most respected conservative today? Governor Palin. So she must be silenced--and they will stop at nothing to do it."
The Postliberal:
"But, you know, Sarah Palin could find subtler ways to get her point across. Maybe even kill (oops!) two birds with one stone. Instead of urging voters to 'target' Democrats, why not urge voters to kiss the Democrats goodbye? Put a little lipstick kiss on each Democratic district on the map. A kiss from Sarah Palin is a lot better than what those mis-representatives will get from their constituents this November."
"The media and the dems are currently shrieking like a woman who just saw a mouse over Sarah Palin... 'targeting' dems up for election in 2010... Where was the media outrage when Sarah Palin's church was torched by arsonists, endangering the women and children inside?"
Jim Hoft:
"Sarah Palin lashed out at the 'bunk' being promoted by the 'lamestream media' during her speech in torchlight... The real violence was right down the road from Searchlight… Harry Reid Supporters attacked the Tea Party Express bus and Andrew Breitbart."
Rachelle Friberg:
"Whatever the media report, know this: There were no acts of violence [on the Tea Party grounds Saturday]; there were no threats, only promises. We CAN guarantee that come this November, the democrats WILL be shaking in their boots. The democrats WILL lose seats, and the democrats WILL finally realize they were downright WRONG when they called the tea party movement a fringe group that will have no effect on upcoming elections. I'm predicting right now that if the Republicans continue to listen to the American people and chart a course back down the path of Ronald Reagan, we WILL win. In the end, Sarah Palin is right: 'No matter how tough it gets, never retreat, instead RELOAD!'"
Gary P. Jackson:
"Reloading is a fairly benign and generic term. In fact, Hollywood uses it, or variations of it all of the time. I went over to the Internet Movie Database, the absolute authority on all things movie and television. I plugged "reloaded" into the search and found some interesting titles including 'The Matrix Reloaded', 'The Osbournes Reloaded', 'MTV Reloaded', 'Dominatrix Reloaded', and my favorite, 'Barney Cam II: Barney Reloaded'. This is one scary dog!"
Reaganite Republican:
"Of course, the Left is getting more radical, threatening, and unpredictable by the day... while they project these traits upon the Right for propaganda purposes."
Stacy Drake:
"Watching the media and certain lawmakers twist Governor Palin’s message would be comical if it didn’t so clearly display the troubling relationship between the media and the current government. A relationship that needs to be called out for what it is and watched closely. It’s very troubling considering the media was repeating the ridiculous notion that Governor Palin had incited something (nothing documented) and that it was actually the media who were inciting their own left-wing base! Reported only in the right-of-center blogoshpere were REAL death threats against Governor Palin and her family posted on Twitter by some lefty maniac. CNN’s silence on these threats was expected considering their new role of being watchdogs OF the citizenry FOR the government."
Glenn Reynolds:
"Harry Reid’s gun-imagery takes aim at political targets. When will Democrats stop inciting political violence with their hateful rhetoric? ... Then there’s talk like this: Obama: ‘If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun’. This sort of violent gun-related eliminationist rhetoric is likely to produce further unrest. For shame!"
Mark Finkelstein:
"Harry Reid chose the day Sarah Palin was in town to stage a photo-op of himself going shooting. But [ABC's 'Good Morning America'] called Reid the man 'in the crosshairs' and as 'doing his best not to seem threatened.' Imagine if the tables were turned and on a day Reid visited Wasilla, Palin had publicly chosen to go shooting. Oh, the MSM wailing and gnashing of teeth about the implied threat!"
Doug Giles:
"It’s weird that [Ann] Curry and her scrub bull buddies on the Left would make such a fuss over Palin’s clear and common use of a war term to rally the troops... You’d think that Ann’s angst over Palin’s military analogy would cause her to get really pissy over Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers, Louis Farrakhan, and the Assassinate Bush rabble’s literal, outlandish and ofttimes violent anti-American diatribes, but for some reason their rank rhetoric doesn’t ruffle the Left’s feathers. Heck, you’d also think that given their intolerance for Sarah’s imagery they would even condemn Obama, who told his zombies to 'sharpen their elbows and get in people’s faces,' which his main backers SEIU did by calling a black conservative a [n-word] and then commencing to beat him up (which, by the way, we have on film), but alas, there was nary a word."
Mark Noonan:
"Point blank: if she decides to run in 2012, she’s going to run rings around the left. She’s simply smarter than them – wiser, and more centered as a person. Unlike the average liberal – who is always looking over his should to be sure he’s not offending against the latest intellectual fashions – Sarah Palin knows that as long as she’s conscious of God and has the good report of her family, nothing else matters. It gives her a strength liberals both won’t understand, and won’t be able to contend with."
- JP

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