Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pamela Geller: You betcha! Sarah against Ground Zero mosque

As we reported Sunday:
Pamela Geller posted this afternoon on Atlas Shrugs:

Gd, I love this woman! She is not afraid of the jackals, hyenas, and vultures who troll her home, her garbage cans, and her most prized possession, her children. She has spine, character, ethics, integrity, and above all, true grit. If she runs, I'll be right behind her.

Here is Sarah's twitter: (hat tip MZ)

Peaceful New Yorkers, pls refute the Ground Zero mosque plan if you believe catastrophic pain caused @ Twin Towers site is too raw, too real

The Islamic supremacist mega mosque is a stab in the eye of every American. The question is, why there?


And let me add that I am proud to be a National Advisory Board member of Jewish Americans for Sarah Palin.

UPDATE: Another Palin tweet. Go Sarah!


Peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand, Ground Zero mosque is UNNECESSARY provocation; it stabs hearts. Pls reject it in interest of healing via Twitter for BlackBerry®

Now, two days later, Pamela has revised and extended her remarks in a WorldNetDaily commentary. Here are some choice excerpts:
Palin has sided with Americans and American interests. Palin, once again, does the right right. And it's wildly refreshing. The Left is twisted in knots. That's what she does. She twists up the morally bankrupt liberals. The Islamic supremacist mega-mosque that liberal politicians support is a stab in the eye of every American. The question is, why there? Why did the terror-tied Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the leader of the initiative to build the mega-mosque at Ground Zero, spend nearly $5 million in cash to buy the property for a triumphal mosque a mere 600 feet from the site of the largest attack – an Islamic attack – on American soil in our history?


Palin restates the obvious. She is unafraid, and so she just gets better and better – and she was brilliant to begin with. And Palin is onto Obama, and has consistently taken him on, again unafraid. It is no wonder that the post-American president and his left-wing thugs are scared to death of her.

This is what the leader of the free world should sound like. The woman is singular. She takes on all comers in defense of liberty and America's founding principles. She has more testicular fortitude than all of the GOP. The Left quakes at the mere mention of her name. No matter how the destroyers come at her, she never backs down, never gives up, never gives in. Is it any wonder that the New York Times ran a front-page story on Palin's emergence as the most influential figure in Republican politics? If the Times is admitting it, pigs are flying.

Obama's hatred of the good for being the good manifests itself in his contempt for Sarah Palin. His contempt is a badge of honor.

Palin is everything Obama isn't: quintessentially American, proud, patriotic, decent and good. Sarah has something Obama can only dream of – heart and soul. Her courageous opposition to this mega-mosque, while the politically correct flock to endorse it, shows that once again.
Read the full Pamela Geller WND op-ed here.

h/t: roy y

- JP


  1. Josh, do you have a link to that NYTimes story?

    I could perhaps check but I am too lazy.

  2. I'm not lazy. I work my butt off. If you want me to do some research for you, drop a five spot in the tip jar, and I'll be only too happy to look it up for you.


    - JP
