Thursday, May 13, 2010

The President of the United States said, 'countries like Europe'

At Vocal Minority, the question is, "Will Obama Get the Palin Treatment for Calling Europe a Country?":
Now, of course I believe it’s a misstatement; I don’t honestly believe Obama thinks Europe is a country. But this embarrassing gaffe begs the question: What’s the difference between this and when Sarah Palin thought Africa was a country instead of a continent?

Answer: There’s actually proof of Obama’s misstatement.

Read on, here.

- JP


  1. You know of course that that whole claim about Palin was a complete fabrication. Please see my post at I am sorry your post resurrects this old lie.

  2. You obviously didn't follow the link and read on...

    - JP

  3. Wrong. That old lie doesn'tneed "resurrection" because the left keeps on telling it on a daily basis.

    This post shows that there is no substance to the lie.

    I'm sorry you didn't understand that.

    - JP

  4. Great but most folks don't take time to go to the jump. Maybe I am just a bit touchy on this subject but the quote you have from Vocal Minority fails to give the type of qualifications I would put in bold, italics and underline.

  5. People who don't follow links are "intellectually incurious," LOL!

    - JP
