Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pilgrim, are you a Bush Republican or a Perry Republican?

Bernie Quigley has an interesting take on the realignment going on the GOP right now. Think Palin passion, Perry proficiency and Pataki perspective. Pataki? As in George Pataki, former governor of New York? Bernie's serious. Read on:
There can be seen now two schools of Republicans: Bush Republicans and Perry Republicans. This took form in Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s recent primary race when Dick Cheney, George H.W. Bush, Karl Rove and Karen Hughes (W’s proxy) lined up behind Kay Bailey Hutchison and Sarah Palin lined up behind Rick Perry. Perry won in a landslide. But the sides had already been drawn up for and against in Doug Hoffman’s Conservative Party challenge in NY-23. It was the moment of the significant turning. Palin and Perry were there, and Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty showed up after the brush was cut, while Newt Gingrich and the party regulars lined up behind the traditional Republican. But George Pataki, former governor of New York, was there first. The Bush clan is now sidling up to Tea Party types; Cheney to Rubio in Florida, Mitt Romney to Nikki Haley in South Carolina. But George Pataki was there first. think Palin passion, Perry proficiency and Pataki perspective. Pataki? As in George Pataki, former governor of New York? Bernie's serious. Read on:

He told The Hill that he won’t rule out a presidential race in 2012. He’d be a great addition to a line that would hopefully include Perry, Palin and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. That would leave Mitt Romney holding the coat for the Bush people. But all of these others add substance and character to what is the sea change known as the Tea Party. It is heartland-based, and the American century ahead will find its strengths and prosperity in the American heartland.

The fledgling spirit of the Tea Partiers, like Tamino, may need three words for guidance on its journey to maturity. Those words might be: passion, perspective and packaging. Palin provides passion and Perry the comprehensive abilities of a well-run and healthy state manager. But Pataki provides perspective. His recent six-stop tour, Revere America, geared to repealing ObamaCare, adds class and character to this grassroots movement.
Read the full Quigley at The Hill's Pundits Blog.

- JP

1 comment:

  1. Not to be too harsh on Perry, but I think Quigley is over valuing Perry's "comprehensive abilities of a well-run and healthy state manager." The Texas Governorship is pretty weak. I'd say Palin had more executive power as Gov. of Alaska. Perry's a great Palin ally, but I'm fine with him staying the Gov. of Texas for a good while.

    Palin 2012 or whenever, girl, just run!
