Friday, May 14, 2010

Lloyd Marcus: Sarah Palin is the John Wayne of the Conservative movement

Loud Marcus, Tea Party troubadour and spokesman, has written an opinion piece for American Thinker on what Sarah Palin means to the Tea party movement and to the greater conservative movement as well. We've excerpted the first few paragraphs:
Is Sarah Palin the leader of the Tea Party Movement? This is asked as a "gotcha" question by the liberal mainstream media of every spokesperson of the Tea Party Movement. The liberal mainstream media is so far out of touch with the majority of Americans, their rationale is: if they can get tea partiers to say a wacko like Palin is their leader, it will confirm that the movement is nothing more than a bunch of extremist fringe loonies.

In their arrogant, elitist Bicoastal, ACLU-joining, New York Times-reading and "smarter than common Americans" minds, the liberal mainstream media can not grasp the concept that Sarah Palin is the voice of most Americans. Thus, Tea Party patriot's great love and admiration for her. Palin is the conservative voice America has been waiting for.

Palin boldly speaks out against political correctness and stands up for conservative principles and values. Not since Ronald Reagan has a politician unapologetically so championed conservatism. With all due respect to her femininity and beauty, Sarah Palin is the, long awaited, John Wayne of the Conservative movement. If only more of our "walk on eggs, careful not to offend and pandering to political correctness" male conservative politicians would take a cue from this extraordinary woman.

No, Palin is not the leader of the Tea Party Movement. But, not because she is unqualified. Sarah is extremely qualified. Palin is not the leader of the Tea Party Movement because it does not require a leader at this time. Self appointed leaders are frauds. True leaders are selected by the people. If, or when the Tea Party movement demands a leader, Palin is a very strong contender.

I witnessed firsthand the power of Palin's presence and the emotional effect she has on patriots...
Read Lloyd Marcus' AT commentary in full here.

h/t: Roy

- JP

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