Monday, May 17, 2010

Bernie Quigley: The Three Sisters Awaken

In a post at The Hill's Pundits Blog, Bernie Quigley has adopted the Three Sisters of Norse and Old English legends as metaphors for Jenny Sanford, Sarah Palin and Nikki Haley. The latter sister had Mitt Romney's support, but did not attract national attention until Sarah Palin endorsed her:
Nikki Haley represents a rising political tide in conservatism in America and she was an early favorite of the Tea Party movement. As this movement is being vilified in the MSM, it is finding common sense in Rand Paul in Kentucky and solid and formidable structure and determination in Tim Bridgewater in Utah. Haley brings to it disciple and a knack for organization, and with Palin and Sanford in tow it may be suggested, that primal strength of character of that the Three Sisters archetype suggest.


Inevitably, misfortune falls to a state when it is revealed that a sitting governor like Mark Sanford reads lusty romances like The Thorn Birds. Fate is sure to ensue, as it has. But in the way of the Trickster, the world is then given Jenny Sanford who many in South Carolina regard as the organizational backbone and powerhouse behind her husband’s political success.

Mrs. Sanford endorsed Haley’s candidacy for governor in November, saying, “[W]hen I’m asked my wish for South Carolina’s future, my wish is for a leader of state government like Nikki Haley. She’s principled, conservative, tough, and smart.”

After November, these three women need to take this show on the road.
And what a roadshow it would be -- the goddesses Fate, Time and Destiny, like modern Valkyries riding across America. We will leave it to our gentle readers to determine which sister represents her legendary analogue while perhaps listening to the opening of Act III of Die Walküre, but in the meantime, they can read the full Quigley piece here.

- JP

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