Monday, July 12, 2010

Jeff Poor: Time’s Joe Klein Cheap Shots Sarah Palin...again

Jeff Poor is a NewsBuster, which means he watches the drooling leftists on MSNBC so we don"t have to. Whenever clueless Joe Klein appears on rabidly pro-Obama Chris Matthews' "Hairball" program, it's a given that the two snarky liberals will try to tag-kneecap Sarah Palin:
On the July 11 broadcast of his weekend show, Matthews and his panel analyzed Palin's "Mama Grizzlies" ad spot and attempted to determine what Palin's end goal was with the ad. And Time magazine's Joe Klein attributed credit to Palin's charismatic ability.

"The most important thing about Sarah Palin is that she's a great stand-up politician," Klein said. "I mean, when you hear her talk - this is not a woman who has sat in a room with a political consultant telling her how to pronounce words. It's just her voice."

"There's something in the inflection which is provocative," Matthews replied.

But then came the eventual expected cheap shot from Klein. Klein had once said Sarah Palin and Fox News host Glenn Beck should be tried for sedition on that same program and he didn't disguise his disdain for Palin on this episode either.

"But I think that's balanced against the fact that she doesn't know anything," Klein said. "And that's a big problem."
Klein is notorius for his comment that criticism of Obama by Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh was "close to being seditious."

- JP

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