Monday, July 19, 2010

Gates of Vienna to good ol' boys: Get along with Sarah's mama bears or you're history

At Gates Of Vienna, blogger Dymphna advises the good ol' boys to stop whining and learn to get along with Sarah and her Momma Grizzlies. Otherwise, "start writing your memoirs":
I’ve wondered sometimes if it’s not just plain ol’ jealousy because McCain didn’t pick any of them to be his running mate. Instead, he reached waay down the ranks to elevate this unknown Alaskan governor. As we all remember, she was an instant hit with the yobs, and an equally instant target for the intelligentsia.

She is also poison meat for the Republican machine, which, frankly, is their loss. Too bad, given how few of them actually attract strong positive public attention. Not one of them comes close to her ability to attract an enthusiastic crowd.

Ever since the presidential campaign ended, Palin has continued to be a magnet for a large portion of the dissatisfied, with whom she appears to establish an easy rapport.

But she is also increasingly a magnet for the haters, both right and left. From the little I’ve observed, she’s slowly learning to take the vitriol in stride. Given the level of acrimony and its incessant roar, I can see why she’d have had a difficult time finding her bearings.

The Left is easy enough to figure out: she’s not a socialist, she’s against abortion, and she doesn’t hang with the Ivy League elites. To them her credentials (or lack of the “correct” ones) automatically place her in the default position they’ve set up for the un-cool kids. Thus, they can be depended on to proclaim her lack of intelligence, her ignorance, and her naïve cluelessness. They reliably, predictably spend their energy in a concerted effort to marginalize her, echoing one another’s talking points with their trademarked snobbish lack of civility. If Palin were really as deficient and evil as they claim, she’d have to kill herself just to break even.

Miz Sarah needs to bleach her hair so she can come down to the level of the expectations set for her: a ditzy, clueless blond. And I don’t mean the expectations of the Democrats. It’s the Republican leaders who have been frantically busy distancing themselves from Palin. Deathly afraid that what the political insiders think of this woman, and fearful some of the blather will stick to their skirts, pols like Gingrich and Romney dismiss her as “divisive” or “superficial”, etc. Choose your favorite word weapon to cut her down to size. Either that, or say nothing, hoping that the Mamma Grizzly will disappear from view, a fizzling political fad. Only if that were to happen will they be spared the awful prospect of having to face off against her in 2012, in some form or other...
Good advice. Too bad they won't heed it, much less even listen. Too bad for them, that is. The full Gates of Vienna post is well worth the read.

- JP

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