Monday, July 12, 2010

David Riddick: A tectonic shift in the Telegraph's coverage of Gov. Palin

David Riddick, C4P's contributor from across the big pond, detects what he says is a tectonic shift in the London Daily Telegraph's treatment of Governor Palin by two of their Stateside correspondents, Alex Spillius and Toby Harnden:
Spillius and Harnden, even though residents in the USA have never, to my knowledge, made any attempt to use actual shoeleather to research Palin or sought to arrange an interview. Instead they have been content to parrot talking points from the NYT and WaPo or dinner party put downs from the great and the good of the Beltway.

But that video has affected the mercury in the political barometer.
Citing Spillius' latest offering, The Aged P explains the importance of such articles:
Firstly, for the Brits, it allows a foreign audience to see Palin as a serious political figure rather than a one minute wonder out of a Jerry Springer show.

But it has a much deeper significance for the USA. Spillius, Harnden and Co. purvey gossip and rumour from the political players of DC and their hangers on. For Spillius to write something like this means that there has been a shift of the tectonic plates.

Washington has started to take Sarah Palin much more seriously – and it’s beginning to show.
Read David Riddick's full post at Conservatives4 Palin.

- JP

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