Thursday, July 15, 2010

Carville: Obama's federal government is 'just about to kill us'

Louisiana native James Carville complains to CNN's Anderson Cooper about the Obama Administration's response to the Gulf Oil disaster:

Carville was Bill and Hillary Clinton’s stooge, but he sure jumped into the tank for Obama in the summer of 2008. The Republican National Convention that summer, which was ironically cut short because of a natural disaster which hit Louisiana especially hard, was vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin's introduction to most of America.

We wll never forget the image of Carville running around the RNC convention from news crew to news crew with a blown-up photo of the modest building that is Wasilla, Alaska’s city hall. Taking a page out of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, Carville ridiculed Governor Palin at every network interview he did, holding up the photo on camera and saying, “This don’t look like no city hall to me. It looks like some bait stand down in South Louisiana.”

Our hearts and prayers have been with Gov. Bobby Jindal and the people of The Pelican State thoughout this calamity that has hit them harder than any other part of the coast. But as far as we're concerned, Snakehead (as his wife Mary Matalin affectionately calls him) can go pound oily sand on the South Louisiana shores. Lie down with beach dogs, and you're likely to wake up with sand fleas.

- JP

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