Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A.W.R. Hawkins: She is Palin, Hear Her Roar

A.W.R. Hawkins comments at Human Events on Sarah Palin has taken the lead on the pro-life issue. She is building a coalition of supporters who are traditional, Christian women "who believe the womb should be a safe haven instead of an abortionist’s laboratory." They are moved by her love for her youngest son Trig, and they rally to the way she combines being pro-woman with being pro-child:
Her chief opponents—non-traditional, pro-Patsy Schroeder type women who believe it’s okay to treat the womb as a killing field—mock her every speech as vapid and express unmitigated outrage at the fact that she dares to imagine a world in which both women and children have rights to life and liberty.

Palin has snatched control of the pro-life vs. pro-death dialogue from increasingly obscure groups like the National Organization for Women (NOW) and brought it into the light.


Palin’s ongoing appeal to a substantial segment of American women doesn’t just offend leftist women but leftist men as well (I use the word “men” loosely). The usual suspects—Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, and Matt Lauer—either go out of their way to speak derisively of Palin or have guests on their shows to speak derisively for them.

But it’s all to no avail. For the more insulting they are toward Palin, the more protective conservatives will become of her.

It’s the same principle that’s at play behind Palin’s popularity: The more willing the left becomes to kill our unborn children for convenience sake, the more conservative women will flock to Palin’s message of keeping those children away from the abortionist’s scalpel.
Though the 2010 midterm elections will be preimarily about jobs and the economy, Sarah Palin proves that some social concerns, like the right to life, are non-negotiable.

Read the full A.W.R. Hawkins op-ed here.

h/t: roy y

- JP

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