Monday, June 14, 2010

Liberal Media Hypocrisy: Mocking Palin Good; Mocking Boxer Bad

Examiner Devonia Smith blogs from Dallas with yet another textbook example of left wing media hypocrisy:
Left wing Media boobs are pushing their hypocritical agenda again. This time they are busy criticizing Carly Fiorina for her joke about Barbara Boxer's hair - the same media that recently spent days mocking Sarah Palin about whether she had a breast enlargement. Are both an example of left-wing media bias gotcha journalism targeting conservatives?


Fiorina has been labeled by the left as "a mean girl, catty, tart and unpleasant" and asked repeatedly if she intends to apologize. Where are the calls for apology for unending personal mockery about Palin - everything from her hair, the glasses she wears, her heels, her religion, her intelligence, her family, the way she talks to most recently her boobs? Sarah has been called a saint and a sinner and a dim-wit.

Yet one off the cuff remark about Boxer's hair and Carley is crucified. Obviously, Palin is not a left wing media darling and Boxer is.
The dying lamestream media doesn't understand that an increasingly skeptical public is tired of its biased propaganda and is no longer buying. Or perhaps the mediots do realize it, but they're counting on Obama and the Democrat-controlled to bail them out and save their jobs. Either way, they're playing a very risky game. They would face better odds against any casino in Las Vegas.

- JP

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