Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Texas for Sarah Palin staff has expanded

Please welcome ehvogel to Texas for Sarah Palin as one of our Regular Contributors. North Texas is now represented along with the Brazos River Valley, and the Upper Texas Coast. As we expand our staff, other areas of Texas will also be represented by our contributors.

ehvogel is an experienced blogger who publishes Generational Dysfunction, a pro-liberty, pro-Palin blog which has been active since March of 2009 and has been on the Blogs 4 Palin blogroll since September of that same year.

He's a father of two and a solid supporter of Gov. Palin. We're pleased to have ehvogel on board with us.

- JP


  1. Welcome! Just wanted to let you know that I never really have time to comment on this website but it's on my list of must reads everyday! Thanks for all you guys do :)

  2. Welcome, E.H.! I look forward to your contributions to Texas for Sarah Palin.

  3. I am humbled at your acknowledgment.

  4. Indeed you should be, Mr. Vogel!

    You will never find a better group of admiring lurkers in your life! ;^)

    Welcome aboard, good sir!

    I would also like to thank JP and the entire crack staff here at T4SP for all that you guys do for our favorite Lady Guv. You guys are awesomely, awesome and I'm always awed by your awe-inspiring and amazing articles.

    Can I get an Amen, people?
