Saturday, February 6, 2010

Quote of the Day (February 6, 2010)

Kathryn Jean Lopez:
"I can't help but think of her Republican convention speech. More than a year and then some later, she's showing the same charm and verve and love of country that got people's attention in the first place. The woman has talent in giving voice to some real concerns in a way that resonates with people who have been discouraged and disengaged. And the way she frames it, it's actually not about her. The most important part of her speech tonight, I think, will prove to be what she said about personality: Politics can never be about a person. Not Barack Obama. Not Ronald Reagan. Not even Scott Brown. Not even Sarah Palin. It's about ideas. Brown got elected on them. Marco Rubio's running on them. Their trucks and looks may help, but it's the ideas."
- JP


  1. It is an excellent quote and worked very well. Actually, in politics ideas are fundamental but powerless unless they are put forward by a person that people can trust. Sarah Palin knows this, but by placing emphasis on ideas and not on her personality, she is trusted even more.

  2. Hello Texas4Palin,

    Thought you guys would enjoy this write up by another Hillary site, I hope you will share this with your readers. It is an excellent piece.

    a part of it:
    "Sarah Palin on Saturday night addressed a portion of the Tea Party movement at their “convention”. Viewers saw a smart woman who has been under unfair attacks for well over a year now."
