Palin disclosed to Allen that she and her family were in New York City to meet with HarperCollins Publishers, which will release her memoir in the spring of 2010. Sarah apparently called Allen from Michael’s restaurant, where she, Todd, adviser Meg Stapleton and book agent Robert Barnett were having dinner.
The 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate told Politico that she and the family had been doing "fun kids' things" in the Big Apple. She certainly seemed to be in a light hearted mood as she joked with Allen and teased him a bit:
Palin quipped that she loves finding out "what’s goin' on in my life from the news."Evidently Politico was more interested in talking to Todd than the other way around. A man of few words. Though Todd Palin hails from Alaska and rides an Artic Cat instead of a horse, he seems to have much in common with some Texans. Whether they ride a Palomino, a Harley or a Saturn V moon rocket, it's the way of the cowboy...
"Do you want to talk to Todd?" she teased. "He's sitting right next to me." But he didn’t come on the line.
- JP
Johnny Cash is awesome....The Man in Black Rules!!!