Friday, July 3, 2009

Someone is doing some early testing in Iowa

O. Kay Henderson reports from Radio Iowa:
A friend of mine in Des Moines, Iowa, got a phone call last night, testing out the names of potential 2012 GOP presidential candidates. It was an automated survey and did not indicate who the sponsor of the call might be, "but it was quite apparent it was a GOP call," my friend reports. "...The survey started off by asking what I thought the most important issue facing America today might be, then rolled right into, 'Who would you vote for in the 2012 Presidential primary?' -- offering choices of Huckabee, Palin, Gingrich, Jindal, and Jeb Bush." (Her boldface type, not mine).
I don't know who is making these calls, but Romney and Pawlenty are conspicuous by their absence in the list. No serious potential GOP candidate would leave them out when trying to take the political pulse in Iowa, unless whoever is behind the calls knows something we don't.

- JP

1 comment:

  1. Romney isn't going to waste his time in Iowa. And his camp indicated that they are going to skip Iowa and focus on NH.
