Friday, July 31, 2009

Iowa caucuses move to Saturday, Jan. 23, 2010

A heads up from our friend Andrew Malcolm:
The Iowa caucuses, those clumsy, endless exercises in evening democracy while the farmfields sleep every other January, have been moved. They will no longer be on a weekday evening with everyone having to get up early in a few hours for work in offices, factories or livestock barns.
Andrew says the D's and the R's will hold their respective caucuses on the same day in a trial run to see if the combined efforts can generate some excitement in the off-year political races. If so, Iowa will continue with the new format in 2012, when there will be a race for the presidential nomination -- at least on the GOP side.

- JP

1 comment:

  1. That'll be interesting. I don't honestly see how that will generate excitement though... give up a Saturday when they are just talking platform issues...

    I think it's a bad idea personally.

    But we'll see. I know I have an easier time getting people to come to my meetings and trainings on weeknight evenings than on Saturdays - especially at 1:00p, having it on Saturday morning would be better.
