Monday, July 20, 2009

DC Consultant: Look for attacks on Palin to intensify

Cheri Jacobus, a Washington-based political consultant (her firm is Capitol Strategies), has an op-ed in today's Pundits Blog on The Hill's website. She says than on the subject of Sarah Palin, the Belway establishment of both political parties is at odds with ordinary Americans:
"Despite the fact that the snooty elite media look down their noses at this woman whose success came by her own hand — rather than by having the right parents or bloodline or marrying into the right clan or playing a few decades of Chicago-style insider politics — Sarah Palin seems to be surviving quite well with the American people, even though she is shifting gears and leaving her post as Alaska's governor."
Jacobus thinks that Sarah Palin has unlimited opportunities,if she can make the most of them:
"If Palin can get her organizational act together just a little bit — finding a few good, solid, smart people who understand the establishment but are not a part of it to raise a bit of cash, schedule her wisely to make maximum use of her time and provide the balance required for her family life, the sky is the limit."
The consultant warns, however, that "if you think you've seen the long knives out for Palin already, it's nothing compared to what will happen when she gets organized." Jacobus says the latest Rasmussen results which indicate that "without even really trying, Sarah Palin is nearly at the same level as the men who are really, really trying hard" will only serve to intensify the attacks.

Update: Jamie Dean says the nest of vipers in Alaska that is responsible for soem twenty bogus "ethics complains" -- most of which have been dismissed -- will likely continue to flood the governors office with more complaints and FOI requests even afrer Sarah Palin's resignation is official.

- JP


  1. I've been totally convinced that there was not one decent GOP strategist, adviser or consultant to be had.
    Sarah had best hire this young lady asap.

    The "trick"is going to be "raising a bit of cash" while being outside of the GOP establishment. While there's a plenty of cash outside the estab, most campaign manager types just can't break with the traditional "easy" donors. Hence they become beholden to these donors (example: U.S. Chamber & its 3 million members craving cheap labor) and end up turning their backs on the Base. Therein lies the problem between the Base and the GOP which caused the 11/7/06 & 11/4/08 defeats. There are plenty of donors out there who despise the GOP political estab. They just have to be sought out and sold on the idea. It'll take some work.

    This Jacobus lady has it nailed. I really like her ability to, in a simple way, get straight to the point. Too bad there's not more like her. Darvin Dowdy

  2. "all the men who are really, really trying," Romney, Huckabee, Pawlenty, Gingrich, maybe Daniels, will not even be speedbumps in Palin's way. Speedbumps implies having to slow down, what they will be is roadkill on the Palin highway.

    When Palin gets serious about fundraising, she'll easily outraise Romney. None of the others, either individual, or as a group, can draw the type of crowd Palin can draw just walking down the street. In Auburn she drew 20,000+, essentially to watch her ride and walk down the street.

    They will also have to face the very real possibility that they will be running against someone with the #1 best selling book.

    Palin's online Army outnumbers anything the others have.

    By time Palin travels the country, speaking at political as well as non-political events, helping charities raise money, campaigning in 2010, etc., she will suck all the wind out of the others' sails, leaving them floundering.

    From what I've heard Gingrich and Huckabee say lately, I think they are getting the message. The fact that Romney has disappeared from view is interesting. Maybe it's because of 0bamacare being not much different than Romneycare in MA. That in itself will sink whatever hope he has.
