Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Identity Theft Alert for Jerry Taylor

Attention Jerry Taylor. A deranged *ronpaulbot has stolen your identity and is posting comments on the web using your name:
WAKE UP AMERICA!! It is time NOW, to look at the chaos the US Government has handed to us! I don't need someone else telling me what my rights are, so much as them understanding what rights they have lost. Simple Freedom! Ron Paul WILL make an excellant choice for President, not only for what he too believes in but because HE HASN'T CRIED TO WIN VOTES, HE HASN'T CLAIMED HIS RACE IS WHY HE IS RUNNING, HE HASN'T PROMISED TO CUT TAXES WHILE RAISING SPENDING IN THE GOVERNMENT, HE HASN'T USED HIS RELIGION AS A SOURCE FOR VOTES AND MOSTLY, HE HAS NOT LIED ABOUT HIS EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE TO MAKE HIMSELF LOOK GOOD TO VOTERS!! Fellow Americans, you should be ashamed to think that the government has your best interests in mind. Tomorrow you will still have the same jobs, the same taxes(if not more) and the same lack of services from the government in your hour of need. Stop being fooled by the naysays of America. Stand up for your rights and speak out to the beaurocrats who want to control your every moment here on Earth!
I suspect his fondness for the Caps Lock key and use of eight exclamation points in a row is rather cleverly designed to discredit your reputation. IMHO, you should take immediate action to find this miscreant and stop him before he completely ruins your good reputation. No one will take you seriously if they believe that you are the person who is responsible for the above.

By the way, congratulations on being granted posting privileges on NRO's The Corner. While it is true that you're no Byron York, I think the infusion of more libertarian perspective into that blog is a good development. Without Mark Steyn on the roster, who knows how quickly things could deteriorate there. Unfortunately, the impostor seems to be posting there under your name also. Sad that he has little or no understanding of Alaska's unique energy situation. How can it be a terrible idea to allow that state's communities to determine their own energy needs and how best to meet them? That is a mistake that I am sure you, sir, would not make.

*Please understand that I mean no disrespect for Dr. Paul. While I don't agree with some of what he has to say, I rather like him, and I believe he does a fine job of representing his Texas district. It's only some of his followers that I have a problem with. About half of them are rational beings who use the lower case characters on their keyboards when the situation calls for it and understand that one exclamation point is usually sufficient. They are also able to properly spell "bureaucrats", "naysayers" and "excellent" - or at least they have the presence of mind to use a spell checker. These Paul followers I call "Ron Paul supporters." The other half - those I call "ronpaulbots" - are rather... er, overzealous, to put it mildly. Spelling and punctuation are not their strong suits. Reading their comments, one can almost see drool running down chins, if you get my drift. I'm sure you're among the former, but your impostor appears to be one of the latter.

Anyway, good luck with reclaiming your identity. A reputation is a terrible thing to have ruined.


- JP

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