Sunday, October 31, 2010

Quote of the Day (October 31, 2010)

Common Sense Journal:
"I’m all for respecting people with whom you disagree, but it’s almost always the leftists/Marxisists/'progressives'/Democrats who are smearing the opposition instead of addressing their arguments, whether it’s (unbelievably) Democrats/liberals making fun of a poor innocent child who has Down syndrome and whose mother is Sarah Palin, or Democrats attacking conservative women who run for office with sick and sexist 'jokes' which aren’t funny."
- JP

Sarah Palin: 'Mike Allen and Jim Van DeHei are jokes'

Gov. Palin and Greta discuss Politico's latest hit piece against her:

h/t: TheRightScoop

- JP

Miller up by 7 in new poll; Murkowski throws GOP under the bus (or not)

Public Policy Polling isn't the most reliable of pollsters, but they're definitely a step or two up from the local polling outfits in Anchorage that we've been hearing from lately. PPP's latest survey taken in Alaska has Joe Miller at 37 percent, with what's-her-name and the Democrat tied at 30 percent:
It appears that Murkowski will lose this race. There are 2 main reasons for that. The first is that she retained little goodwill from Republicans after deciding to make an independent bid. Only 27% of GOP voters are planning to vote for her on Tuesday, down from 31% from a PPP poll earlier in October. The second reason Murkowski's headed for a loss is that she failed to dominate with independents. She is slightly ahead with them, getting 34% to 32% for McAdams and 31% for Miller. But they're not providing her with a strong base of support the way Democrats are for McAdams and Republicans for Miller.

In a cycle that has seen a lot of strange races, this one may well be the strangest. It would be premature to write off anyone at this point but Miller does look to be the favorite headed into the final stretch.
A PDF document of the poll's internals is here.

Also, remember how just nine days ago Sen. Meghan McCain Lisa Murkowski said that if elected, she would caucus with the GOP?
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) confirmed Friday that she will caucus with the Republicans should she win her write-in bid for a second full term on Nov. 2.

“That’s something that Sen. Murkowski has not made secret. Sen. Murkowski has been a Republican her entire life,” her campaign spokesman Steve Wackowski said, confirming a story published earlier by the Associated Press. “There was never intention for her not to be a Republican.”
But now, it seems, Lisa's Republicanism may have reached it's expiration date, according to this tweet from CNN's Dana Bash:
"Woah. Lisa murkowski just made really clear to our drew griffin in alaska republicans can't count on her to be w them."
Not that we didn't expect this, it's just that we didn't expect it before the election.

Update: What follows flip? Why, flop, of course. Who's running her campaign, Mitt Romney?

- JP

Sharron Angle Ad: 'Our Turn'

Good closing argument by the Angle campaign:

h/t: Jim Hoft

- JP

Sarah Palin: Yes, you can see Russia from Alaska

Posted just a few minutes ago by Gov. Palin on Facebook:
Alaska’s Position on the Globe (Yes, You Can See Russia!)

At least week’s revved-up Anchorage rally for Joe Miller I spoke to the independent, inspired crowd about the need to change Washington so Alaska can finally develop our natural resources to help secure the union. In the discussion, of course, the fact was made that our strategic location on the globe is key to resource development, military security, and transportation and shipping lanes boosting export opportunities, etc. And naturally I included a riff on the fact that you can actually see Russia from Alaska, because apparently only Alaskans know it’s true. Anyway, my good buddies throughout the state continue to send their “pictures of truth,” along with the plea to prove my point and put to rest the lamestream media’s mocking of that point. I promised my buddies I would prove it. So here you go. Some friends emailed photos showing how close Alaska is to Russia. This one shows Russia over the shoulder of a tough Alaskan. We are proud of our strategic location as the air crossroads of the world, our rich natural resources, and our valuable shipping and transportation lanes affecting the commerce of Pacific Rim countries. We need a U.S. Senator who will fight the feds for our right to responsibly develop and contribute to the rest of the U.S., so we can help secure the union economically and physically. We need Joe Miller!

- Sarah Palin

On the left of the photo is Little Diomede, behind it is Big Diomede,
and to the right of them you can see the Russian mainland. Photo
of Lynn Nelson.
- JP

Gov. Palin: 'Wasn’t Ronald Reagan an Actor?'

Gov. Palin answers Karl Rove's "gravitas" argument on "Fox News Sunday":

- JP

Sarah Palin on Fox News Pre-election Specials tonight

From GretaWire:
"We have a Special tonight at 10pm... you will hear the very latest from around the nation and Governor Palin joins us."
That's 10PM Eastern time, of course, which is 9PM Texas Time. Plus, she will be on an earlier election special hosted by Megyn Kelly and Bret Baier at 7 Central.

- JP

More Quote of the Day Honorable Mention, Part 143

Special "Corrupt Bastards" Edition

Mark Finkelstein at NewsBusters:
"Calling them 'corrupt bastards,' Sarah Palin has asserted that reporters at a CBS affiliate in Alaska tried to gin up false controversies surrounding the Republican senatorial candidate, Joe Miller."
Sam Foster at Left Coast Rebel:
"This, of course, will probably get ignored by the mainstream media."
Clyde Middleton at Liberty Pundits:
"We have two private individuals employed in the media industry. They are conspiring to fabricate and publicate (great word – made it up) untrue and damaging stories against a candidate for the United States Senate. This violates both professional ethics and federal law."
Drew M at AOSHQ:
"Funny one guys! You know just like when MurCOKEski had a talk radio host thrown off the air for supporting Miller and criticizing Her Royal Cokeness."
Ed Morrissey at Hot Air:
"Needless to say, if this allegation is true, then … we have an epidemic of incompetency when it comes to handling phones. KTVA also has a big scandal on its hands if this is substantiated... Sarah Palin tweeted that the Alaska media are 'corrupt bastards.' Well, she would know after the way they treated her during and after her VP run."
Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit:
"Has the press changed, or is it just easier to get caught now?"
William A. Jacobson at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion:
"The media is corrupt, and we all know it. It is rare, however, that we get proof. Now we have it... The television station is denying any wrongdoing, claiming the staffers were talking only about what others would do. But the transcript... is to the contrary, and talks about what 'we can do' and 'You have to find that one person...'"
Doug Ross at Director Blue:
"The only real surprise is that they were caught red-handed this time."
Anchorage Activist at Alaska Pride:
"If this is true, it would be no surprise. KTVA has been running a distant second to KTUU Channel 2 in the ratings war in Anchorage, and has been unable to make any headway. So it would not surprise me if they started resorting to sleaze. Until now, Alaska Dispatch has been the only media outlet openly and flagrantly biased against Joe Miller. Maybe the rest of them are starting to come out of the closet as well."
Dan Riehl at Riehl World View:
"At this point, CBS affiliate KTVA appears to be engaged in political activism, not journalism... Their editors must have their prioities, I suppose."
Adrienne Ross at Motivation Truth:
"May this truth exposed send Alaskans to the polls with a determination to vote for the real Joe Miller, rejecting the Left's sick agenda--so sick they joke and laugh about child molesters. Their behavior is disgusting, and certainly not befitting those who should be honored to represent our First Amendment rights. The term 'sick puppies' comes to mind."
Bob Parks at Black&Right:
"Don’t worry. No one at KTVA will be fired over this clear violation of journalist integrity."
Mary Beth at
"Nothing says journalistic integrity like setting up a political candidate with a child molester supporter, does it? Or hoping for that candidate be attacked, for that matter... Oh yes! OF COURSE with the kind of people that will show up for a Miller rally, at least one will be a registered sex offender! HAHAHAHA!! Let’s get that on film…that would just be so awesome! Edward R. Murrow sure would be proud."
Darleen Click at Protein Wisdom:
"We’ve already seen Jerry Brown in the room discussing an ad campaign to call Meg Whitman a 'whore', and now we have 'reporters' at [KTVA] discussing how to take down Joe Miller..."
Steve M at RadioViceOnline:
"They seem to conspire to create stories that will harm the election efforts of Miller including looking for registered sex offenders and child molesters who happen to support Miller’s campaign. Then they suggest staging a Rand Paul-type moment where someone attacks Miller. Not surprising to me. Remember, many journalism students join the profession to make a difference, not to report the news. When they realize they are not making a difference -- in this case electing their preferred choice for Alaska’s next senator -- they start making up the news."
"Looks like the CBS Affiliate in Alaska (KTVA) had a Jerry Brown moment!"
Moneyrunner at The Virginian:
"Remember to vote on November 2. Your vote will repudiate not just the Left in congress, but their allies in the media. The people who you can reach out and touch by contacting their advertisers and telling them that every penny they spend in that paper, that cable or broadcast show is blow against your ever doing business with them. There is no going back; there never is. And that's not a bad thing. We have seen one future and its devastating effect on our lives and on our country. We now have the opportunity to chart a new course, having the experience of what it means to go badly wrong."
Citizen Wells:
"To the far left and the far left mainstream media, the end justifies the means."
Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs:
"This is shocking, but it won't make frontpage news anywhere because big media is the problem. For those diehards and numbskulls who still take the mainstream media at their word, shame on you. If this is not the final nail in the coffin, I don't know what would be. What is so unnerving... is the casual, matter-of-fact tone of this obvious debased standard operating procedure. Look, we know the media, CBS, NBC, ABC, and the pathetic cable news channels are in the tank for the leftists, Democrats, socialists, etc. This is not new and goes way back to sixties. But the idea -- to slander, defame and destroy people with the most heinous and vile accusations made out of whole cloth... That's criminal. That's mainstream media."
Tom Blumer at NewsBusters:
"I think McDermott means, 'Sorry I got caught.' This isn't bias. It's direct activist opposition."
- JP

KTVA: Are you going to believe us or your lying ears?

KTVA has now confirmed that the voice mail recording left on a Joe Miller campaign phone did indeed come from one of their reporters and did include part of a conversation strategizing their coverage, but station management incredibly denies that the CBS affiliate's reporters wanted to slant their coverage of the race for the US Senate in Alaska. Calling the allegations "untrue" and "absurd," KTVA general manager Jerry Bever says that they were merely "preparing for any eventuality." The full KTVA statement is here.

At Hot Air, Ed Morrissey comments:
KTVA’s explanation is absurd. What possible context can they put around the suggestion that they start looking for child molesters at a political rally in order to exploit that for their television coverage? That’s a “potential what-if scenario”? Is this a suggestion that came up in strategy sessions when discussing a McAdams campaign rally?

The only absolution KTVA could have possibly had was showing that this conversation didn’t take place among their staff, but was left on the voicemail by some other people or organization. Even if KTVA approached coverage of every political event in this manner, it would be an embarrassment. In this case, it shows a strong bias against Miller and gives a window into the editorial direction at KTVA.
Basically, KTVA management is asking, "Are you going to believe us or your lying ears?" Wait a minute... didn't CBS already use the "fake but accurate" excuse?

- JP

Sarah Palin: 'Those are corrupt bastards, Chris'

On 'Fox News Sunday', Sarah Palin gives the lowdown on Alaska's corrupt media:

- JP

Turnout Huge For Raese Rally featuring Gov. Palin and Ted Nugent reports that Sarah and Todd Palin made a last-minute "surprise" visit to the Ted Nugent rally for GOP U.S. Senate candidate John Raese in Charleston Saturday afternoon in front of the largest crowd to attend any event held by either Raese or his opponent Gov. Joe Manchin this year. Video courtesy of Freedom's Lighthouse:

An estimated crowd of 2,700 came out on a clear, sunny October day from across West Virginia and sang the "Star Spangled Banner" with Nugent, the rock legend from the late 70s who has emerged as a leading voice for sportsmen and women across America. The event--part political rally, part Mountain State family reunion--was held at Haddad Riverfront Park in downtown Charleston, just a few blocks away from Manchin's residence at the Governor's Mansion.

"The size of this crowd on such short notice should tell us something about the momentum John Raese has going into Tuesday's election," said Jack Ellis, HNN's Senior Political Analyst. "Raese's campaign didn't know that Ted Nugent was going to be able to get here until just a few days ago, and the Sarah Palin visit was added too late for the media to really get ahold of it. Yet nearly three thousand people showed up? Amazing."

"This kind of turnout reminds me a great deal of the kind of crowds George W. Bush had when he visited West Virginia in 2000," said Ellis. "Crowds like this go back home and are great evangelists for their candidate. This single event could put Raese over the top on Tuesday."

According to event organizers, Todd and Sarah Palin took an overnight flight from Alaska to arrive Saturday morning in time for the event.


After the rally in Charleston, the Palins joined the Raeses at a Tea Party Express campaign event in Wheeling.

"This ranks as one of the most interesting of all political events in the past few years here," said Ellis. "With basically two or three days' notice, a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate drew a crowd with concerned Republicans, Democrats, and Independents from across West Virginia. They all agree on one thing--the Obama Administration has got to be reined in. That's their bond, and John Raese is their candidate for U.S. Senate."
- JP

Smoking Gun: Anchorage journos caught conspiring against Miller

For those who don't believe the Alaska media is in collusion with the Murkowski campaign, here is some compelling evidence. The voices of Anchorage journalists, believed to include those of the news director and assignment editor at CBS affiliate KTVA, have been captured on tape openly discussing ways to fabricate stories about Joe Miller, the Palin-backed GOP candidate for the U.S. Senate. A voice mail message, inadvertently left on the cell phone of Miller campaign spokesperson Randy DeSoto, is the smoking gun:
The following is a transcript of a call recorded after CBS Alaska affiliate KTVA called Joe Miller’s Senate campaign spokesperson. The call failed to disconnect properly. It was later authenticated by McDermott, who sent a text to Randy DeSoto stating, “Damn iPhone… I left you a long message. I thought I hung up. Sorry.”

Audio KTVA -

Clearly the reporters were conspiring to set up some type of smear of Joe Miller. With glee, they even cite a recent controversy over an incident involving the Rand Paul campaign, while discussing how they would spread the story via social media after whatever incident they had in mind came off. It also brings to mind another recent episode that ended with Jerry Brown’s California gubernatorial campaign being caught up in controversy when someone from Brown’s camp called Brown’s opponent, Republican Meg Whitman, a “whore.”

This calls into serious question what type of campaign coverage CBS’ KTVA has been providing Alaskans all along, given their reporters’ willingness to conspire against Miller.
Sarah Palin sent the following message about the incident via Twitter:
Corrupt bastards. CBS/media plot against Joe Miller before our Anchorage rally Thurs Kinda'what I've put up w for 2 yrs
She also mentioned it this morning during her appearance on Fox News Sunday. The Miller campaign's news release is here. The Vice President and General manager of KTVA can be contacted by email at

So far, the corrupt Alaska media is ignoring this bombshell of a story.

- JP

Day By Day (October 31, 2010)

Good Morning! It's a wonderful life if we just take it Day By Day.


Support Pro-Palin Day By Day

- JP

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Quote of the Day (October 30, 2010)

Karol Markowicz:
"Sarah Palin is doing the right thing backing candidates who appeal to her personally. That's what a private citizen should do. Her endorsement carries that much more weight because of it."
- JP

Sarah Palin: How low will Lisa go to hold on to power?

Gov. Palin has some choice words for Sen. Lisa Murkowski via Facebook:
Lisa, are you going to shut down my Facebook page for writing this?

Yesterday, Lisa Murkowski’s hired guns threatened radio host Dan Fagan, and more importantly, the station that airs Fagan’s show, with legal action for allegedly illegal “electioneering.” The station, unlike Murkowski, who is flush with millions of dollars from vested corporate interests, does not have a budget for a legal defense. So it did what any small market station would do when threatened by Beltway lawyers charging $500 to $1000 an hour – they pulled Dan Fagan off the air.

Does all this sound heavy handed? It is. It is an interference with Dan Fagan’s constitutional right to free speech. It is also a shocking indictment against Lisa Murkowski. How low will she go to hold onto power? First, she gets the Division of Elections to change its write-in process – a process that Judge Pfiffner correctly determined had been in place without change for 50 years. She is accepting financial support from federal contractors, an act that is highly questionable and now pending before the FEC. And today, she played her last card. She made it clear that if you disagree with her and encourage others to exercise their civic rights, she’ll take you off the air.

The concept of “electioneering” involves several issues, but typically refers to campaigning at the polls, which is appropriately banned. Under federal law, it can also mean paying for advertising on broadcast media during a federal election cycle, and it requires disclosures if done by groups and corporations. Fagan used satire to mock Murkowski’s write-in efforts and encouraged Alaskans to run as write-in candidates. That is not illegal. That is free speech.

Individuals like Dan Fagan have a fundamental right to speak their minds without threats from the incumbent Senator from Alaska. It is hard to find a constitutional right Americans cherish more than the right to free speech. This was a right Joe Miller, as a decorated combat veteran – a tank commander tested in battle, was willing to die to defend. Dan Fagan has not always agreed with me, but I will gladly defend his right to speak freely on his radio show, which he has often used to criticize me. In fact, Fagan has actually used his radio show to attack and insult me, my husband, my children, and my family in just about every way possible. He was especially insulting to my son, who left for a war zone to defend Fagan’s right to attack our family. But when I was his governor, I never would have dreamed of threatening his right to free speech. I support him in this fight because this D.C. Beltway thuggery, as exemplified by Lisa Murkowski’s latest threat, is ruining our country. The powers that be want ordinary Americans to sit down and shut up and let the ruling class ride us right off the debt cliff we’re heading towards with Obama, Pelosi, and Reid steering the nation’s car. We can’t let them. Now is the time to put aside our past differences and stand up to the establishment powers.

This whole episode confirms again why we need to elect Joe Miller. Lisa, you can sue me if you want (you won’t be the first). But I will not be intimidated from speaking my mind. Your intimidation just empowered us liberty-loving Alaskans. Are you really that out of touch?

- Sarah Palin
Ed Morrissey weighs in here.

- JP

Day By Day (October 30, 2010)

Good Morning! It's a wonderful life if we just take it Day By Day.


Support Pro-Palin Day By Day

- JP

Friday, October 29, 2010

Quote of the Day (October 29, 2010)

Michelle Malkin:
"Pundits and late-night TV pranksters have ridiculed O’Donnell for exposing liberal bias against conservative female candidates. But these same smug mockers have spent the past two years deriding Republican vice presidential candidate and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, her children, her body, her accent and her brain. They snickered at reports of Democratic California gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown’s campaign calling GOP challenger Meg Whitman a 'whore.' And they shrugged off The View’s 'bitch' sessions as shtick. The conservative women-bashers can laugh all they want. On November 2, success will be our best revenge."
- JP

Gov. Palin, Ted Nugent to campaign for Raese in WV Saturday

Now we know why Sarah Palin will not put in an appearance at the Tea Party Express bus tour rally in Columbus, Ohio after all. It seems her help is needed elsewhere. WOWK-TV is reporting that Gov. Palin and Ted Nugent will be taking the stage at a Saturday rally in Charleston, West Virginia to campaign for John Raese:
Two big names are joining together Saturday to campaign for U.S. Senate candidate John Raese.

Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor, will join Ted Nugent, rock legend, at the capital city Saturday to rally for Raese.

Kevin McLaughlin, spokesperson for Raese, and Mike Steward, W.Va. Republican Party chairman, have confirmed that Palin will be joining Nugent at Saturday's rally. Todd Palin will also be in attendance.
The site of the rally will be the Haddad Riverfront Park in Charleston. The Raese Campaign says the rally will start at noon with a band. (We wonder if Ted will sit in on guitar...) The speeches should begin around 1 to 1:30 PM local time.

- JP

Gov. Palin won't appear at OH and NJ TPX rallies after all

When the Tea Party Express rolls into Toms River, News Jersey Sunday night, Sarah Palin most likely won't be on the bus, as had been previously reported by the Asbury Park Press:
"Her staff has recently indicated that she will not be coming, so unless we hear otherwise, we're assuming she will not attend," Levi Russell, communications director for the Tea Party Express, said in an e-mail tonight. "There has been a lot of speculation and rumors that she may be there — really don't know what the source is — certainly not from the Tea Party Express."


Steve Lonegan, state director of Americans for Prosperity and a former Republican gubernatorial candidate, had sent out an e-mail blast — a large number of e-mails sent at once — mail to followers about an anticipated Palin visit to generate a big turnout in Toms River while Tea Party followers enthusiastically sent similar e-mails to get their supporters to come out.

Gov. Palin also will probably be absent from a bus tour Saturday stop in Ohio, according to a report in the Columbus Dispatch:
Will former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin show up when the Tea Party Express hits central Ohio on Saturday?

"Most likely not," say the organizers of the event. They have also pointed out that the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee sometimes appears with little notice.
Bill Cohen of station WCPN had reported on October 19 that the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate would make an appearance at the Columbus rally.

- JP

Politico: Gov. Palin robo-calling social conservatives

As part of a massive voter-turnout operation that also includes mass mailings and printed voter guides, the Faith & Freedom Coalition is making GOTV robo calls using a message recorded by Sarah Palin aimed at 8.5 million social conservative households this weekend. According to Politico, the effort reaches across 56 congressional districts in 14 states with competitive Senate and gubernatorial races. The concentration of calls is heaviest in the battleground states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Washington, Nevada and Wisconsin.
It's the same message across the country, but custom tailored to each state:

- JP

Sarah Palin's Alaska: Rock Climber or Rock Star?

TLC has released its third sneak peak from the 'Sarah Palin's Alaska' series, which premieres Sunday, November 14 at 8PM Central:

Help Palin TV acquire more Sarah Palin videos. Contribute here

- JP

More Quote of the Day Honorable Mention, Part 142

"Searching for our skeletons" Edition

Belle of Liberty:
"Where has The Washington Post been these last 18 months? Since the Tea Parties began in April 2009, they’ve been trying to figure out who we are. Certain that it’s some vast, right-wing conspiracy funded by corporate billionaires and cable television networks, they’ve left no stone, pebble, or boulder unturned. Apparently, they’ve searched every closet, cabinet, and cubby hole looking for our skeletons. Liberals have planted ringers in the midst of our rallies, trying to draw us out, drawing only quizzical stares instead. With the 2010 Mid-Term Election only a week away, they’ve finally discovered our secret: we’re just normal, average Americans... Certainly, there’s a top echelon of political celebrities like Sarah Palin leading a national charge, supporting such Conservative candidates as they can find. Sarah’s about as close to an average American as you can find in the inner political circle. They’re well-funded and well-organized, criss-crossing the country meeting with Tea Party groups. The Tea Party Express will be in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey on Oct. 31st. But the original Tea Parties, the Washington Post discovered, really love their independence. They love the fact that they have no national leader, as it were. The Tea Party Express and the Tea Party Patriots do their national thing – and the local tea parties do theirs."
Jennifer Caballero at Cubachi:
"It’s bad enough Charlie Crist attacks Marco Rubio’s Cuban heritage, he is also swinging at Palin, conservatives, and the tea parties... Crist was such a friend to Palin. What happened, Charlie? Conservatism scared you off?"
Mark Ganzer:
"The democratic party has come out with some campaign propaganda listing five democratic incumbents it calls Sarah Palin's Tea Party Targets. Okay, so this is a fund raising strategy aimed to appeal to one's 'reptillian' brain - the part of the brain that acts without thinking. A very unflattering picture of Sarah Palin is on the front cover. We've seen such unflattering pictures of a bevy of democratic candidates, but how ironic that the dems choose to mock Sarah Palin who is NOT EVEN A CANDIDATE, although, she is a force."
Jim Putnam at The Coltons Point Times:
"Sarah Palin and others took a very big chance and embraced the Tea Party movement... The good old boys who controlled the GOP... turned on Sarah to punish her for helping... outsiders that could not be controlled."
Maggie at babalĂº:
"Charlie Crist... wants you to know he's basically a middle of the road kinda guy (left-of-center is more like it) ... unlike those extremists in the Tea Party, Sarah Palin and Marco Rubio that want to take us down a dangerous road. (What is it with roads, cars, ditches, and Slurpees this election cycle?) Anyhow, from what I've observed with Charlie Crist he seems more concerned with his own reflection in the car's rear-view mirrors than what's ahead down the road."
Cassy Fiano:
"Crist... used to love Sarah Palin. He once called himself a Reagan Republican. And he used to be pro-life... The more Charlie Crist talks, the more obvious it becomes that he’s nothing but a hypocritical, shameless opportunist with no principles."
Samantha Moneypenny at Spotlight OK:
"I find it reprehensible that the press and pundits are demonizing [Mary] Fallin for her comment, that one thing separating her from Askins in the fact that she is a Mom... Clouding the issue in one respect, crystallizes the harmful underpinning of that sentiment, which is that women should be ashamed to be Mothers and Political Candidates. Why do you think the Lefties hate Sarah Palin? Because she flies in the face of the lies they have been told for years, including: Successful career or babies — pick one!"
"Sarah Palin Has Done Obama A Lot Of Damage..."
TheRightScoop at :
"You know, all she said was that once, in a brief moment, she could see and feel the attraction of abortion because of its convenience. But she didn’t abort and I would imagine that it was fairly brief moment that she even considered it. Her point was that even though she disagrees with abortion, she can relate to people who see it as a potential choice. That’s it. And yet, the MSM continues to attack her as though she were Dr. Evil’s wife. Seriously people, when does all the hate end?"
Sen. John McCain via Newsbusters:
"I continue to hold her in the highest regard and continue to be entertained by the attacks of the liberal media against her."
Patrick S. Adams at Unsheathed:
"It’s not a good day in the hideout when Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck have you tied to a chair and she says 'Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. Not smart, Johnny.' You can picture Marlon Brando patting Jonathan Martin on his cheek as he says those words... And don’t piss off Mark Levin either. Joey Sack of Bullcrap learned that quickly today on Morning Zoo. His attack on Sarah Palin this morning was met with an instant belting from the Great One. If the battles of broadcast journalism were physical, Joe Scarborough would have a big shiner to show for opening his mouth about our Sarah. Why we talking so tough? This is not like conservatives to get their hands dirty. We go to church. We work. We raise families. But this is survival. You see, these guys want us dead... When they talk about killing cracker babies, when they beat up a button seller at a rally, when they put your tax blemishes online, when they rig voting machines to vote for Harry Reid, when they tell you to sit in the back and when they say they want to punish you, that’s when you bring out the Thrilla from Wasilla to kick some [butt]. Sarah’s not a mean girl. She’s just awesome."
Cato Uticensis at American Conservative Values:
"The dirt bags from Media Matters are frantic and a little nuts. They are admitting their ad boycotts against Glenn Beck are not working, so now their strategy is to enlist the help of Sarah Palin. Good luck on that one."
mcmeador at The Right Frame of Mind:
"David Brock, the founder and CEO of the leftist Media Matters claimed that Glenn [Beck] is erratic and portrayed him as if he is some kind of immediate threat to national security, going as far as to say that we’re on the precipice of another Oklahoma City bombing…oh…ok. That’s kind of strange... I guess media only matters when it’s pushing their socialist agenda. Anyway, he then calls on Sarah Palin to stand up in opposition to Glenn Beck... 'Help us, Sarah Palin. You’re our only hope.' Very Star Wars-y of them."
Tammy Bruce:
"Fat Boy (aka Karl Rove) questions Sarah Palin’s suitability for president. He mentions, as an example, that the fight for 2012 is gonna be 'blood, sweat and tears.' What, like the sweat he breaks our into going from the couch to the kitchen?"
Ross Calloway at The Lunch Counter:
"In the closing days of the mid-term elections (and for weeks preceding) there will be no discussion on the issues that Americans care about. Nothing of substance from Democrats, the legacy media, and other supporters of the Left. Bereft of anything positive to run on, what you will hear instead is she’s a bitch, a witch, and a whore. Have you noticed the vile attacks on conservative women lately? Well, I take that back. Have you noticed the attacks on conservative women since Sarah Palin in the 2008 presidential campaign?"
- JP

Monmouth U. Poll: O'Donnell cuts Coons lead nearly in half

From the Monmouth University Polling Institute's news release (PDF) issued Friday morning:
In the past two weeks, Republican Christine O’Donnell has narrowed Democrat Chris Coons’lead in Delaware’s U.S. Senate race from 19 points to 10 points. The latest Monmouth University Poll finds Coons has the support of 51% of likely voters to 41% for O’Donnell. Two weeks ago, this race stood at 57% to 38%.

O’Donnell has actually pulled into a 49% to 43% lead in the southern part of the state (i.e. Kent and Sussex counties). Two weeks ago, this region of the state was divided at 47% for O’Donnell and 46% for Coons. The Democrat continues to hold a sizable advantage in New Castle County, but the current 56% to 36% margin is down from the 63% to 33% edge he held earlier this month.

O’Donnell has also made gains among independent voters, now leading Coons 47% to 42% among this voting bloc. Two weeks ago, she trailed in the independent vote by 51% to 41%.

“While Coons still has the advantage, it has to be uncomfortable knowing that O’Donnell was able to shave 9 points off his lead in just two weeks.

- JP

New Joe Miller Ad: 'Don't Be Fooled Again'

Joe Miller's campaign unveiled a new ad at last night's Change D.C. rally in Anchorage. The ad links Sen. Lisa Murkowski to the policies of the Democrats by alternating clips of President Obama delivering his "Yes, we can," 2008 campaign slogan with shots of Murkowski repeating the same mantra in the speech announcing her write-in bid after losing the GOP primary to Miller:

h/t: Thomas Lamb

- JP

Gov. Palin: What's polarizing about believing in the Constitution?

mary Hart's interview of Sarah Palin in Alaska continues this evening on Entertainment Tonight. A preview of Part 2 is here.

- JP

Candidates for governor in Oklahoma agree: Palin is presidential material

The two women who are competing for the top government job in Oklahoma expressed opposing views on most of the issues at Thursday night's OSU-Tulsa gubernatorial debate, but they do agree on at least one thing. Both Democrat Jari Askins and Republican Mary Fallin said they believe that Sarah Palin is presidential material:
"I personally admire Sarah Palin and her true grit, her hard work, her tenacity, her willing to say whatever's on her mind," Fallin said. "She's earned great admiration, especially trying to put up with some of the things she's had to go through with even the national media.

"I appreciate what she does. She certainly has been a leader in talking about how we get America back on track."

Askins said she has not met Palin yet but that she would love for her to come to Oklahoma.

"I'd love to go hunting with her," Askins said. "Take her turkey hunting."

Askins said she thinks it would be a nice and informal way to become acquainted with Palin.

"I haven't been hunting grizzly bears, but if she would invite me up there (Alaska), I can promise you I'd go," Askins said.

"She's a wonderful communicator. She does a great job in trying to reach the people and communicate with them, and I think everyone in the U.S. realizes now that if you have the desire, anyone who sets their mind to it can run for president of this country, and she's certainly one of those."
Fallin said Gov. Palin would be one of the top candidates for president in 2012.

- JP

Day By Day (October 29, 2010)

Good Morning! It's a wonderful life if we just take it Day By Day.


Support Pro-Palin Day By Day

- JP

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Quote of the Day (October 28, 2010)

Andrew Gully of AFP:
"Tea Party favorite Sarah Palin gave the strongest indication yet that she is preparing a 2012 White House bid, saying Thursday she would run for president 'if there is nobody else to do it.' The former Republican vice presidential candidate, who was lampooned in the media for her political naivety in the hard-fought final weeks of the 2008 campaign, is now among the most popular conservative politicians in America."
- JP

No Gov. Palin in New Jersey October 31 (Updated)

Citing Americans for Prosperity as its source, the Asbury Park Press is reporting that Sarah Palin will be with the Tea party Express when its bus tour stops in Toms River, New Jersey Halloween night:
Palin will be traveling with the Tea Party Express as it travels through New Jersey on its fourth nationwide tour. A stop in front of the township Town Hall on Washington Street is scheduled for 8 p.m. Sunday.

State Tea Party coordinator Mark Falzon was the first to confirm the Palin visit.
Earlier in the day, Gov. Palin and the tour will also make a stop in Wilmington, Delaware.

h/t: Sarah Palin Blog

Update: Gov. Palin won't be appearing at this event after all. Details here.

- JP

More Quote of the Day Honorable Mention, Part 141

Special "Kaptain Karl and his Ship of Fools" Edition

Reagan to Palin:
"Karl Rove... is a most petty man with a lofty opinion of himself. He is aligned with the ‘Romney wing’ of the political spectrum, the compromise at all costs crowd... He knows only too well that savaging Palin, just as he did Christine O’Donnell, makes him popular with the Washington elite. However, that is a despicable and selfish motivation for one who pretends to care about the future of our nation. Rove may get some perverse pleasure attacking Sarah Palin, providing ammunition for her detractors on the left..."
Cheat Sheet at The Daily Beast:
"Karl Rove is about to learn what happens when someone crosses a 'Mama Grizzly.'"
Allahpundit at Hot Air:
"Is he … trying to alienate grassroots conservatives? And if so, why? ... Isn’t the response to this simply that Palin plays by her own rules and is playing … pretty darned well right now? The reality show is unorthodox, but being authentic and unpretentious and outdoorsy have always been key to her appeal, and the show feeds all of that. No doubt Rove would have said three months ago that appearing on Maher’s show in the 90s meant that O’Donnell could never beat Mike Castle, and yet here we are."
ZIP at "Liberty Juice:
"Considering how intensely the left hates him, you’d figure pissing off the right wouldn’t be the smartest idea…"
Sheya at Conservatives4 Palin:
"Karl Rove has completed his rounds trashing Governor Palin in the US media and has now decided to go international this time ranting off to the London Telegraph... Ironically this happens on the same day that the show is being acclaimed by even the Governor's usual critics... With all due respect to Mr. Rove, I think he’s way past his buy-sell date. It’s no longer 2000. Much has happened since the architect couldn’t get his candidate to win the popular vote even when the climate was all in his favor."
Perry de Havilland at
"Sarah Palin could not have asked for a better endorsement... If I were her, I would be grinning from ear to ear."
Clyde Middleton at Liberty Pundits:
"Karl Rove... thinks he has a right to speak about about Sarah Palin and her gravitas to be president: 'There are high standards that the American people have for [the presidency] and they require a certain level of gravitas, and they want to look at the candidate and say that candidate is doing things that gives me confidence that they are up to the most demanding job in the world,' Rove said. Really, Karl? Is this how you explain Obama, or was he just a fluke? Maybe Jimmy Carter, too, was a political heavyweight?"
RR Roark at Politician, Tar, Feathers:
"Karl Rove is an Autocratic Establishmentarian... By his nonsensical disdain it is easy to see his view of the political game is that competition should only be between the gentry of the 'political class', who are rightfully our lords and masters."
Toni Fitz at famecrawler:
"Um, Karl? Since when does pop cultural relevance hurt you in this country? You’re talking about a nation that has elevated Snooki and The Situation to near gods. We had a former pro wrestler as governor of Minnesota, a former actor as governor of California, and the former head of eBay running to succeed him. Plus this Ronald Reagan guy who was president a few decades ago – I hear he made movies? ... Gravitas is just a catchphrase for middle-aged men who might back the wrong candidate."
Adrienne Ross at Motivation Truth:
"Karl Rove is a hypocrite whose real problem is jealousy that Governor Palin's influence has pushed people like him and his establishment buddies to the back burner."
Andy Aplikowski at True North:
"I’m sorry, I know its sacrilege, but I am completely against elitists like Karl Rove pooh poohing 2012 hopefuls when he is simply a hired goon. Its troubling that he gets away with it, but its even more so that the establishment in the GOP circles are blatantly sending him onto FOX to pimp for candidates and crush grassroots passion... Karl Rove is largely to blame for Obama and Democrats controlling this country right now. Their win at all costs, sell your principles to pass something, is why the voters lost faith in the GOP and actually believed Democrats were the more fiscally conservative choice... So excuse me for not taking his criticism of Sarah Palin’s TV show to heart."
Joe Klein, of JournoList fame, at TIME's Swampland blog:
"This election cycle has exposed Rove for what he is: man-servant to the oligarchs."
TC at As IF Times:
"At the moment, there is an obvious rift between the ‘established’ right, represented by Karl Rove and the ‘new right’, represented of course by Sarah Palin. Conservatives like Rove have to be careful because much of the elitist accusations that have been thrust at Democrats apply to the GOP as well. I wonder how Karl felt about Ronald Reagan in his time. Rove, while certainly a political genius, has spent all of his life in this space. The disdain he shows for upstarts such as Palin and Christine O’Donnell smacks strongly of elitism. Like the other side, he is in danger of proposing that politics become a club for professionals only and that common people need not apply. This kind of mentality is what led to the decimation of the Republican Party and which perception lingers in the minds of voters despite the reality. Not everyone can be a professional BS’er. Occasionally people with real lives are valid candidates. The last thing we need are two elitist parties."
Jamie Downey at The Brilliant Stories:
"Former Alaska governor Palin has given out a flippant image on her show, said Rove, adding that she does not have class enough for the White House. Look who’s talking."
Adrienne at Adrienne's Catholic Corner:
"Karl Rove thinks Sarah Palin doesn't have the 'gravitas' to be President. This said, while the sitting President of the United States is appearing on comedy shows... [Dana] Milbank points out that Stewart called Obama 'dude.' In just two years, Obama has reduced the person who holds the office of the presidency of the United States to being called 'dude' by a second rate comedian. Now that's what I call gravitas."
- JP

Sarah Palin: The real heroes of this election are Tea Party Americans

Via Palin TV, Gov. Palin was on Sean Hannity's radio program Thursday:

Help Palin TV acquire more Sarah Palin videos. Contribute

- JP

Karl Rove is a big, fat hypocrite

Let's try to get this straight. Karl Rove claims that because she is hosting a "reality show" on TLC, Sarah Palin lacks the "gravitas" to be president. Yet he praises John Stewart's Obama interview on a Comedy Show? An interview in which Stewart called the President of the United States "dude?"

Sarah Palin hosts travelogue-type show: no gravitas. Obama goes on comedy show: gravitas. Todd Palin as First Dude: no gravitas. Obama as Dude-In-Chief: gravitas.

The same Karl Rove who claims Gov. Palin lacks gravitas also declared that "45 percent of NPR listeners were Saddam Hussein." Uh, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over? That's real gravitas there, Rove, you hypocrite. Texas should be ashamed to call you her son.

- JP

Neil Stevens: Joe Miller in third? Not so fast.

Neil Stevens at catches the Wyle E. Coyote left and their media sheep trying to pull a fast one:
Continuing Politico’s apparent strategy of linking to obscure polls that say bad things about Republicans for shock and traffic value in this wave year, the site now reports Joe Miller to be in last place.

For several reasons, one has to discount this poll’s predictiveness of the coming election...


Only Politico could take word that the NRSC is spending a half million dollars on Miller’s behalf, and turn it into bad news for him. Because seriously, after the Orion poll and now this, what’s next for Politico? Some guy in his basement reporting Barbara Boxer 18 points over Carly Fiorina? Brace for it.

Not everyone on the left is buying into this sham poll. Nate Silver agrees with Neil (which may be a first), tweeting that the Mudflatulence poll is "sketchy" at best.

- JP

Sarah Palin to leftist Media Matters: I stand with Glenn Beck (Updated)

Appearing on Glenn Beck's radio show Thursday, Sarah Palin answered media Matters' David Brock, who called on her yesterday -- "as the one person in this country" who could prevent "another Oklahoma City" -- to speak out against Beck. Predictable and common-sensibly, she reiterated that she stands with Beck:

Poor leftists. They can't debate Glenn Beck on the facts, so they create straw men in a pathetic and reprehensible attempt to smear him. When will lefties learn that their politics of personal destruction has been rejected by the majority of Americans, and it doesn't work anymore?

Update: Gov. Palin will also be on Sean Hannity's radio show today at 3PM Texas Time.

- JP

Hey, Alaskans! Want to be a write-in candidate for the U.S. Senate?

If you’re an Alaska resident and qualified to run for Senate, you can have your name added to the list of write-in candidates for U.S. Senate, just like Lisa Murkowski did. It's easy. Dan Riehl shows you how to get 'er done at Big Jounalism. But hurry, "You must act today!"

According to the socialists, if you overload a government system, then it has to be expanded. By Jove, that works for lists of write-in candidates, too. So expand the list with your name today! Cloward-Piven: It's not just for leftists anymore.

- JP

Allen West Ad: 'All of This'

30-second political ad for Alan West, the retired Army Lt. Col. who is running for Congress in FL-22 with Gov. Palin's endorsement:

h/t: Stacy McCain

- JP

In ET interview, Gov. Palin leaves door wide open for a 2012 run

Entertainment Tonight co-host Mary Hart flew to Alaska recently to visit Sarah Palin in Wasilla. In the exclusive interview, which will air on ET this evening, the first woman to be Governor of Alaska and first to be the Republican Party's vice presidential candidate told Hart that she'll run for president in 2012 "if there's nobody else to do it":
The former Alaska governor, mom of five, and star of TLC's upcoming series "Sarah Palin's Alaska" says that when it comes to deciding whether to run: "It's going to entail a discussion with my family [and] a real close look at the lay of the land, to consider whether there are those with that common sense, conservative, pro-Constitution passion, whether there are already candidates out there who can do the job … or whether there's nobody willing to do it, to make the tough choices and not care what the critics are going to say about you, just going forward according to what I think the priorities should be."

"If there's nobody else to do it, then of course I would believe that we should do this," Sarah tells Mary, leaving the door wide open for a 2012 run, while also noting that if it turns out there are candidates "who can do the job," they would have her full support.
Gov. Palin also comments in the interview for the first time on the recent New York Magazine cover story about one of the possible scenarios for a Palin presidential victory in 2012, and she tells Hart how she deals with critics.

A preview is here.

- JP

Day By Day (October 28, 2010)

Good Morning! It's a wonderful life if we just take it Day By Day.


Support Pro-Palin Day By Day

- JP

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Quote of the Day (October 27, 2010)

Jane Jamison at Uncoverage:
"Apparently, [Tokyo] Rove thinks that Sarah Palin’s new family show on the Discovery Channel makes her unfit to run for the presidency. Not just unfit for the presidency, unfit to even RUN for the office... Anyone who reads my little inch of space... knows that I am not one of those Sarah-do-or-die bloggers.I have taken issue with her involvement in the California primary. That said, the woman is firing up the base, and has been keeping to an Iron woman schedule. She could run a marathon, pause to shoot a moose, throw a couple loads of laundry in, write 3 speeches for next week, give 4 radio interviews and STILL kick Karl Rove’s butt in a debate."
- JP

Kernell sentencing set for November 12

The son of state legislator Mike Kernell (D-TN) who was convicted of breaking into Gov. Palin's email account wants a federal judge to grant him probation rather than send him to prison for his crimes at his sentencing hearing next month:
David C. Kernell's request for a downward departure comes six months after a federal jury found him guilty of felony obstruction of justice and a misdemeanor count of unauthorized access to a computer. The same jury acquitted Kernell on a felony charge of wire fraud and deadlocked on a charge of identity theft.

The conviction carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Sentencing guidelines in the case recommend that Kernell receive 15 to 21 months in prison, and the government has asked for 18 months. Sentencing is scheduled for November 12.

In a memorandum filed on Tuesday, Kernell's attorneys argued that although their client deleted some computer files after accessing Palin's account, he should not go to prison because he allowed much of the data to be preserved.


In a sentencing memorandum filed on Wednesday, federal prosecutors outlined a series of steps Kernell took following the hack to cover his tracks. They included the deleting of images and emails he downloaded from Palin's account, the removal of temporary internet files, and running a disk defragmenter.

- JP

Surprise! Anti-Palin AP gives 'Sarah Palin's Alaska' a positive review

AP Television Writer Frazier Moore Has screened the first episode of "Sarah Palin's Alaska," and his review is all positive:
Whatever you may think of Sarah Palin, the fact remains Alaska is magnificent with her as its presenter.

"Sarah Palin's Alaska," premiering on TLC on Nov. 14, adds "TV host" to Palin's crowded resume, which already includes former governor, former GOP vice presidential candidate, best-selling author and conservative superstar.

Palin also is a wife, a mother of five and a grandmother, of course, and her new series integrates her home life with Alaska's great outdoors.

Judging from the first of eight episodes, "Sarah Palin's Alaska" keeps politics out of the picture. Sure, the show is effective in selling the Palin brand. But along the way, Palin throws herself into selling the grandeur of Alaska.


Befitting the travelogue quality of the show, it boasts eye-popping scenes across the state's vastness (roughly twice the size of Texas).

The reviewer's bottom line: "...overall the show leaves no doubt: Alaska is well worth a visit. Presenting it to viewers, Palin is literally at home." The rest of us will be able to see that first episode November 14 on TLC.

- JP

Sarah Palin: Let’s win one for the Gipper Tuesday

Gov. Palin today reflected on Ronald Reagan and one of the greatest political speeches of all time on her Facebook Notes page:
Rendezvous with Destiny

Today is the 46th anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s famous speech, “A Time for Choosing.”

The thing that struck me as I watched it again was how relevant its message still is for today’s America. Just as in 1964, we have a president who says “we must accept a greater government activity in the affairs of the people.” And just as then, we hear the voices of those on the left who claim the profit motive has become “outdated” and the Constitution “outmoded.” Back then liberals aimed to build a Great Society in which the state looked after us “from the cradle to the grave.” Today’s “fundamental transformation” doesn’t have a similarly catchy name, but its aims are no different from those of Johnson’s central planners.

And so once again we face an election in which the fundamental issue is “whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.”

Reagan believed that in the end, Americans would always choose liberty over tyranny. He called it our “destiny,” our American birth right. Well, this coming Tuesday, you and I have another rendezvous with destiny. America, let’s go and win one for the Gipper.

- Sarah Palin
- JP

The American Pundit: Now Charlie Crist Flip-Flops on Sarah Palin

Stephan Tawney at The American Pundit makes the observation that the desperation of worthless weasel "Sorry Charlie" Crist, who trails a surging Marco Rubio in the polls by double digits, is not a pretty sight:
The likes of Sarah Palin are too extreme, we’re told by a guy who said he was “impressed” with her and thought she’d make a great president just two years ago. He also said she is “bright”, “impressive”, and ready to be commander-in-chief should something have happened to McCain. “She’d do a great job,” as vice president, Crist told CNN.

Palin hasn’t changed since 2008 but Charlie Crist’s political ambitions — and his party registration — have.
Conservative Floridians obviously find Rubio much preferable to Crist, the mother of all Vichy Republicans. So he's reaching out to Democrats and left-leaning independents. What else is the governor who lost his spine to do? Other than bash Gov. Palin and other good Reagan conservatives as "too extreme," that is.

- JP

More Quote of the Day Honorable Mention, Part 140

"Who are the real fear mongers?" Edition

Chris Bounds at "Liberty Juice:
"RepubliCorp? Rebranding? Destroyed the environment? Sarah Palin declaring war against China, Norway, and the Pacific Ocean? So who are the fear mongers really?"
bc3b at Be John Galt:
"Obama not only seems to have a 'death wish' for his Presidency, but also seems intent in playing into Sarah Palin’s hand. For the past two weeks Palin’s key talking points have been the importance of this election for 'little guy' and standing up for the 'little guy.' Nothing would drive a stake through the heart of middle class Americans like losing tax credits for their children and tax deductions for their mortgages to fund Obama’s Utopian dreams. If you think homes have lost value now, you haven’t seen anything compared to a day when mortgages were no longer tax deductible."
Jennifer Caballero at Cubachi:
"Look, Allen West needs all the help he can get, but this is ridiculous. Mitt Romney waits until 10 days before the election to endorse Allen West? Sarah Palin endorsed Allen West [in] March."
Jillian Becker at The Atheist Conservative:
"In an article for the Washington Post, Charles Murray writes about a 'new elite', and what the Tea Party thinks of it... That this elite is isolated and ignorant as charged, could not be better demonstrated than by the vicious calumnies and petty sneers that its members... direct at Sarah Palin; they are characterized by snobbery... What’s particularly dangerous about the present elite is precisely its predominant leftism. And that danger in such a class is not new. The important Austrian School economist Ludwig von Mises wrote [about it] in his book Socialism, which was first published in English in 1936..."
Noel Sheppard at NewsBusters:
"I know - [Alec Baldwin]'s only an actor, but his view is likely shared by most members of the media, which is the truly frightening thing."
Bernie Quigley at the Hill's Pundits Blog:
"For well more than a century, Americans have had a choice like that in an old general store I used to go to in rural West Virginia with a swinging sign that read, 'Ice cream, guns and ammo.' The ice cream came in two flavors, vanilla and chocolate. That has been our choice in political parties as well. As of Nov. 2, there will be a new flavor: Libertarian. It is already there. It has fully metabolized into the mainstream. Although not a Libertarian, Sarah Palin is the La Passionara of this new awakening, and Ron Paul, banned from the discussion in 2008, the Gray Champion. At first, that is when she was being called a slut by David Letterman and regularly mocked by Tina Fey, the eagle-eyed op-ed writers of the NYTs sounded a clarion. One of their most capable, the one who lives abroad, said it recalled to him those bad days when the broody earth spirits began to arise in the gnostic German heart. I am sure he was not talking about the Moravians. But today, in only two years, we are merely considered 'extremists.' Now, that is pilgrim’s progress."
Stacy Drake at A Time For Choosing:
"Isn’t it ironic that so many of the players involved in the merciless legal harassment delivered to Governor Palin have gone on to bigger and better things within the Democrat Party system?"
Jim at Jim’s Blog:
"The Democrats assure Republicans that Sarah Palin is unelectable, and that for her to be nominated for president in 2012 is their wet dream, because it would assure Obama of a second term, that if Republican[s] nominate Sarah Palin, Democrats will be celebrating. At the same time, the Democrats are quietly pushing the supposedly much more electable Michael Rubens Bloomberg as Republican presidential candidate in 2012, creating opportunities for him to receive favorable publicity, giving him lots of respect in Democrat controlled publications. If he is so much more electable, why are the Democrats pushing him and mobilizing to prevent Sarah Palin from getting the nomination? Never accept advice from your enemies."
egalia at Tennessee Guerilla Women:
"Sexualizing every last woman who dares to enter the male domain of church and state is one way to keep us women demeaned, trivialized and in our servile place. With women a pathetic 17% of Congress, clearly it's working. Shame on the allegedly progressive Mother Jones."
Jay G at MArooned:
"RI Dem: Obama Can 'Shove It' For Not Endorsing Him... Yo, Barry? This is your party. Not only is this your own party, but this is a Northeast liberal, the very bluest of the blue. When you start losing guys like Caprio, you're really in deep kimchee - and by all appearances, you've grabbed for the solid lead life preserver. Ă˜bama has refused to endorse Caprio out of respect for one of his opponents, former RI Senator Lincoln Chafee - a refusal which may very well prove costly should Caprio ultimately prevail. It's interesting, from a disinterested party aspect, to see this kind of infighting. It's also equally interesting to see the kid-glove treatment given this, especially in light of every "ZOMG Republican X doesn't agree with Sarah Palin/The Tea Party/Zombie Reagan" revelation that comes out when it is shockingly revealed that all Republicans do not eat, sleep, or vote with a common brain."
Howard Fineman, HuffPo's lefty Senior Editor, quoted in the Poughkeepsie Journal:
"I think she'll run. Anyone who thinks she won't hasn't been paying attention. She'll announce it on Twitter. I haven't seen anyone who can push people's buttons in under 140 words the way Sarah Palin can. Don't underestimate her."
JohnHawkins at
"For too long, conservatives have allowed the misogynistic party of Bill Clinton to portray itself as "the party of women." But when even the National Organization of Women approves of sexual harassment as long as it’s done by Democrats and refers to Republican women like Meg Whitman as whores, the time is ripe for a right-wing feminist revolution. …… Which brings us to Sarah Palin. Despite the fact that the Left has hurled every sexist insult at her that you can imagine, nobody on the Left or Right has ever been more effective at pushing women candidates than she has."
Reagan to Palin:
"Wednesday morning (November 3rd), we must immediately gear up for Governor Palin’s campaign for the Presidency. If grassroots America says ‘YES’ we believe she will too. Ronald Reagan answered the call thirty years ago and Sarah Palin is hearing it now."
DrJohn at Flopping Aces:
"Two years ago Brian Kalt wrote an article in which he warned the peril in deriding Sarah Palin: 'Every four years, Democrats in the United States make the same mistake. They underestimate the appeal of the Republican Party to Middle America, and then reduce their own appeal by belittling it. Now, Democrats are falling into the same trap again with Sarah Palin...' This was the one Democrat policy that was shovel ready. And you know what they have been shoveling since then... Palin being stupid is arguably the predominant Democrat theme of 2010... Either Democrats are psychotically obsessed with a stupid woman or they are absolutely full of crap."
Beth Shaw at Blue Star Chronicles:
"Even though the Left is convinced there is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy keeping Bristol Palin on Dancing With the Stars, she has earned her time on the show in her own right... She has drawn some vile condemnation from her mother’s enemies just for drawing breath, not to mention being on national television..."
- JP